My Journey of Self-Discovery
A deep yearning within me ignited a quest to uncover the truths of life, setting me on an unrelenting journey of spiritual exploration. This path brought me into the presence of great masters and teachers, whose wisdom shaped my understanding. Through diverse classes, workshops, healing modalities, and certification programs, I embraced the beauty of individuality and learned to integrate these teachings, drawing ever closer to my authentic self.
While my journey began with an early interest in astrology and guidance from metaphysical mentors, the pivotal shift occurred in 2017 when I committed to focused self-improvement. Over the past seven years, I have pursued a singular goal: to discover and align with my true self. Through dedicated practices like yoga, meditation, rituals, mantra chanting, and deep emotional introspection, I sought to understand and heal the roots of my triggers. At times, this required unwavering discipline, including periods of 7-8 hours of daily sadhana. It also meant making difficult life decisions, shedding what no longer aligned with my essence, and undergoing profound purification to honor my inner truth.
I’ve come to understand that true freedom and growth often require letting go—of certain tools, relationships, and external attachments. The answers we seek aren’t out there; they’re within us, waiting to be discovered through patience, commitment, and honest self-reflection. Transformation isn’t easy—it takes consistent effort and a willingness to face uncomfortable truths. But with time, even small steps forward can create profound changes.
In 2024, my focus has shifted away from taking additional classes and towards practicing what I have learnt, embodying and integrating the wisdom I've gained over the years. This intentional pause allows me to live the teachings more fully and I encourage others to trust that sometimes growth comes not from adding more but from allowing what is to deepen within.
I’m happy to share the details of the classes, certifications, and workshops I’ve been part of if that resonates with you. That said, I believe the real work lies in putting what we learn into practice and allowing those experiences to shape us over time.
The list of experiences that I share below highlights the longer courses or workshops that I've completed. It does not include the many short sessions I've attended, which have also contributed significantly to my journey. I believe that every step, whether big or small, plays a vital role in our growth.
Through my own journey—filled with its share of challenges and breakthroughs—I’ve grown into a more authentic version of myself. My hope is to offer what I’ve learned to help others along their own paths of self-discovery.
Highlights of My Learning Journey
Certified as Compassion Key Certified Practitioner (Level 1) (Jun)
Sri Yantra Drawing & Painting Meditation Course (Feb & Mar)
Point of You - Fusion Workshop 6-month Program (Dec)
Soul Upgrade 9-Week Course (Dec)
The Breath of Gold Soul Transformation Journey 12-Week Course (Sep)
Mystery School 2021 with Dr Pillai (Yearlong program)
The Feminine Empress Code 3-Month Program (Nov)
Being Light Messenger of Darkness Virtual Retreat (Oct)
The Spiritual Path of Birth and Motherhood Virtual Retreat (Sep)
Naga Puja - Pacifying the Nagas Virtual Retreat (Aug)
Sri Yantra Seminar with Paramahamsa (Aug)
Certified as QiGong & Inner Alchemy Teacher in a 6-month Inner Alchemy Program (Jun)
High Priestess of the New Golden Age 9 weeks Initiation &Training (Jun)
Transmission of the Yab Yum Mandala Virtual Retreat (May)
Atma Kriya Yoga Mudra Level 1 (May)
Wisdom into the Union of Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Virtual Retreat (Mar)
The Rituals of The Tantric Goddess Parampara - Initiate Tantrika (Nov)
Atma Kriya Yoga Level 1 (Sep)
Advance Pranic Healing Course (Sep)
Points of You L1 & L2 (Jun)
Basic Pranic Healing Course (Jun)
Sri Yantra Drawing Course (Jan)
Awaken the Divine You Progamme up to Masters Retreat Level 1 (Mar, Apr, May, Aug, Oct, Dec)
Family Constellation Foundation Course (Nov)
Awaken the Divine Feminine Certification Course (Sep)
Goddess Wisdom Retreat Foundation Level (Jul)
Samyama with Sadhguru (Mar)
Art of Being Mandala Workshop (Jan)
Certified as Awaken the Divine You Meditation Instructor & Workshop Trainer L1 (May) & L2 (Oct)
Original Feeling Touch (OFT) L1 & L2 (Jul)
MCM-Nihar Wellness Retreat Program (Mar)
Art of Being Mandala Workshop (Jan & Jun)
Inner Engineering (Jul)
Life Awakening and Healing Workshop L1 & L2 (May)